Thursday 26 February 2015

Happy mail day! | My Spark Energy has arrived!

Happy mail! The snow in Texas slowed the arrival of my Spark Energy down by a day! What was mother nature thinking? I am so glad I am going to have this in time for our Disney day tomorrow. This is my favorite energy drink as a mom especially due to my high blood pressure. Instead of being overloaded with caffine it provides me energy through 21 different vitamins and nutrients! I would suggest this to anyone looking for a little boost or pick me up during the day or for a good start to your work out! If your wondering where to buy Spark it is through me! Just click the picture in this post above. You can buy it in canisters (more cost effective) or in pouches. I like to try different flavors and right now I am on a cherry kick. By purchasing the pouch you are spending less on a Spark than you would another leading energy drink even with the shipping included! Is that not insane? If you haven't tried one do yourself a solid and give Spark a whirl. You ARE worth it.

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