Saturday 21 March 2015

Day 17!

When my friend Keri approached me about the 24 day challenge I had no idea what was in store for me. Seventeen days in and I have lost pounds and inches. On top of that my clothes are fitting and looking better. However, the most important thing that I never saw coming, is it has changed me. I used to drink 8-12 cans of diet coke a day and I ate horribly. I had no desire to change but thought if I am going to do the challenge then I would commit and see what happens. I have found that I don't need or even want that diet coke. I have no desire to pig out on fast food and I have so much energy that I want to work out. This challenge has changed my life. It is not going to stop on day 25. The 24 day challenge gave me the jumpstart that I needed to be a healthier me. Not only am I thanking myself but if Luke knew exactly what his mommy was up to he would be thanking me as well :)

& the same pictures next to my day one pictures!

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